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I like the phoems!! ( is the spelling of phoem part of your students' creative expression?​

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"Ini SMP ya? Bagus sudah bikin situs yang menarik tentang Bandung. Ini ada saran: warnanya kok suram? mungkin ini selera, tapi bisa disetting lebih cerah? Juga konten gambarnya bisa diperkecil atau cari cara agar loadingnya bisa lebih cepat? Tapi ini sudah cukup bagus, perlu banyak latihan agar situsnya enak dibuka dan dilihat. Top!" -Setiawan Agung Wibowo-​

"I think the posters are wonderful, and I love all the photos of the happy, smiling students and teachers." -Leonie-

"WOw, I'm so happy to see how excited every students here to express their feeling through posters, poems and pictures. Keep up the good work!^_^" -Fitta Astriyani-​

"Great idea and really well done - congratulations to all of you." -Kapt Kang Guru-

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